Competence, professionalism, experience.
Edilmultiservices prerogatives are: detailed planning of the intervention, speed of execution, safety on construction sites, dialogue with customers, skilled workforce with long experience in the sector. Attention to innovations for real energy savings and respect for the environment.
Per la tua casa, la tua azienda, il tuo negozio
Servizi di manutenzione e pronto intervento, sistemi di isolamento termico per facciate, ristrutturazione, rifacimento bagno, lavorazione cartongesso, tinteggiatura, impiantistica idraulica ed elettrica.
Thermal insulation for facades
Intumescent and fireproofing treatments
We carry out intumescent and fire retardant treatments for fire protection of industrial and civil structures. All load-bearing structures can be upgraded with intumescent paints on steel, wood and concrete.