Bathroom renovation
A well-executed and compliant intervention is one that respects all the rules envisaged, including masonry works and systems, with a specialized and qualified workforce. And it’s also the only way not to risk having to do it all over again or even having to stop the work. Renovating the bathroom is sometimes a problem.
Whether it’s a small or large bathroom, between costs and long and invasive renovation works, redoing the bathroom is one of those wishes that never come true. Or you choose to carry out some small routine maintenance interventions, such as replacing taps and sanitary ware or for a do-it-yourself renovation, with all the risks and limitations involved.

Renovating the bathroom creates, for obvious reasons, many problems and inconveniences at home. However, once the work is completed, you will realize that it will undoubtedly be worth it. On the other hand, giving a makeover to the place where family members take care of themselves is sometimes practically mandatory: when the time comes to do it, you just can’t escape it.
Plants, coatings and pipes, sooner or later, also need a little maintenance.
Everything becomes more pleasant, however, if you take advantage of any repairs and technical restyling to completely transform the environment.
Think about it: when you are forced to disassemble everything, you might as well change the style of the bathroom completely, rather than simply limiting yourself to a necessary renovation. So, not all evils have a silver lining.
The inconveniences must be taken into account, we said. Both during the works and before. In the event that, just to give an example, you have decided to enlarge the size of the bathroom and consequently move the walls, you will be forced to communicate this to your competent town hall through the so-called Dia procedure.
This practice, essential for certifying that the works are imminent, must be presented to the Municipality no later than 30 days before the start date of the renovation.
Once the bureaucratic burdens have been fulfilled and you have received the pass from a town hall technician, all you have to do is dedicate yourself to the “dirty” work: empty the bathroom and prepare the field for the workers who will then have the task of dismantling sanitary ware, floors and other ‘other.

If you want to totally revolutionize your bathroom, it is important that you decide which new elements and sanitary ware to buy before the renovation works have even officially begun. The timing, in situations of this kind, is essential, so that the workers are informed in time of what your new needs will be: if the space will undergo particular changes, it is good that they know it. So, have fun changing the style of your old bathroom, but be very careful: don’t overdo it, take the measurements well and make sure that the new sanitary ware fits well into the environment in which they will be positioned.
And if you have enough space, remember to take a look at those solutions that include a bath and shower at the same time: this way, you can enjoy the benefits of both, without giving up!
To renovate a bathroom, one of the fundamental things that allows you to obtain an original and pleasant effect is certainly the type of coating you choose. The solutions available to obtain a good result are many and able to meet both the needs of those who prefer classic furnishings and those who appreciate modern and contemporary environments.
Tax relief for bathroom renovations
Is it possible to obtain tax relief for the renovation of your bathroom? Thanks to Law 90 of 2013 yes.
Specifically, however, the law in question does not allow for concessions to be obtained for all kinds of work. The simple replacement of tiles, for example, is recognized as ordinary maintenance and therefore not eligible.
On the other hand, when we talk about sanitary ware intended for the disabled, the third paragraph of article 3 of Law 104 of 1992 can be used because the elimination of architectural barriers provides for tax deductions.
A similar argument can be made when inside your home you need to build a new toilet. In this case the bathroom must be built within the original volume of the building.
To obtain more detailed information, just connect to the website of the Revenue Agency. Otherwise, however, you can contact us. In this way, an expert in the sector will guide you in preparing your file.
The first step concerns the type of intended use that will be given to the property, subsequently the project will be structured together with the customer, specifying in detail what the construction company workers will perform on site. Only after having completed these two very important phases, together with the company can we proceed with an accurate examination of the laws that allow us to take advantage of the tax relief and also of the mobile bonuses, which will allow us to halve the costs by 50% in the case of expenditure equal to at least ten thousand euros